Art Connections FoundationArt Connections Foundation




Jacek Doroszenko
Environmental Practice: Resin ArpeggioJacek Doroszenko
Environmental Practice: Resin ArpeggioJacek Doroszenko
Environmental Practice: Resin Arpeggio

Jacek Doroszenko
Environmental Practice: Resin Arpeggio

Jacek Doroszenko
Soundreaming Volume 2Jacek Doroszenko
Soundreaming Volume 2

Jacek Doroszenko
Soundreaming Volume 2

Łubin – Zatoka białych niedźwiedzi
(White Bear Bay)Łubin – Zatoka białych niedźwiedzi
(White Bear Bay)

Łubin – Zatoka białych niedźwiedzi
(White Bear Bay)

TehoFest 2022TehoFest 2022TehoFest 2022

TehoFest 2022

Records FestivalRecords FestivalRecords Festival

Records Festival

Art Connections Foundation
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