Soundreaming is an intermedia project created by the Polish artist duo of Jacek Doroszenko, author of music and sound activities, and Ewa Doroszenko, creator of the graphic work and visual layer of the project. The first album in the series was released by Audiobulb, a UK-based publishing house, and was very well received by international critics.
Art Connections Foundation, strategic partner of the project, present the second album in the Soundreaming series by Jacek Doroszenko: "Soundreaming Volume 2: Overlooked Horizons". The album also features a second disc "Soundreaming Compilation" with guest artists such as: Ewa Doroszenko, Anna Zaradny, Yann Novak, Autistici, Zenial, Ampscent, Giulio Aldinucci, Grzegorz Doroszenko, Chris Hernandez, Robert Worby.
Is it a game of Chinese whispers? An autopoietic feedback loop? Exercises in commodified memory? Is it the hydrological cycle translated into the circulation of auditory experiences in culture?
In music and sound art, places and spaces are most often perceived through the prism of acoustics or phonographically captured sound objects, which are then compiled into field recording compositions or soundscape compositions. However, we can also find more abstract, post-conceptual approaches here. Soundreaming belongs to this area. The project constitutes sound dreams on the one hand, but on the other hand reamed sounds, a kind of dream woven from sound material that has been radically processed. The sound material here is created through a loop of mutual artistic translations by Jacek Doroszenko and Ewa Doroszenko, an artistic duo. First, field recordings and preliminary sound materials are created, which are then interpreted into visual works, which are later reinterpreted as graphic scores.
What is Soundreaming?
This is a collage narrative based around the sounds of a non-existent place, suspended between field recordings captured during the Artist-in-Residence stay in Linz, as well as the different ways in which they are individually perceived and mediatized. The individual pieces are sonic aural after-images of places, or perhaps after-hearings, which are, after all, two different things. Perhaps they should be thought of as post-field compositions. In the project, the web of mediation and reinterpretation expands even further by inviting selected artists who have subjected material provided by Jacek Doroszenko to their own processing. The networks of dialogue, references and resonances grow, swell, build up, fold.
Looking into The Dictionary of Imaginary Places by Alberto Manguel and Gianni Guadalupi - is Soundreaming inviting us to Lucan's Island of Dreams? Certainly not to Alfred Kubin's Dream Kingdom. But perhaps to Tekla from Calvino's Invisible Cities, a city of constant endless construction, transformation, and reaming?
text: Antoni Michnik
- compositions, performance and production, Overlooked Horizons: Jacek Doroszenko
- compositions, performance and production, Soundreaming Compilation: invited Artists
- voice, Away From Home Yet Feeling at Home Everywhere: Chris Hernandez
- label: Requiem Records
- mastering: Jacek Doroszenko
- voiceover & proofreading: Chris Hernandez
- text in the booklet: Antoni Michnik
- website of the project:
- graphic works: Ewa Doroszenko
- cover design: Pineum
- premiere: June 2024